"Genome Profiling for single cells, entire cities, and the international space station"

Christopher E. Mason, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Weill Cornell Medical College Dept. of Physiology & Biophysics; The Brain & Mind Research Institute; Affiliate Fellow of Genomics, Ethics, and Law, ISP, Yale Law School
Thursday, March 19, 2015 - 4:00pm
PMH, 610 University Avenue, 6th Floor Auditorium, Rm 6-604
Invited Speaker Seminar
The avalanche of easy-to-create genomics data has impacted almost all areas of medicine and science, and here we report the implementation of genomics technologies from the single-cell to an entire city, as well as integrative genomics approaches to space medicine. Recent methods and algorithms enable single-cell and clonal resolution of phenotypes as they evolve, both in normal and diseased tissues. Notably, some of these changes can be discovered by single-cell analysis and enable prognostic relevance. We also show that the genome, epigenome, transcriptome, and epitranscriptome all harbor some evidence of tumor evolution. Finally, we will discuss pilot data for creating enabling patients to become more involved in their ‘omics data, including to an integrative genomics view of an entire city (based on our Pathomap project) that leverages longitudinal genomics and microbiome profiles of the NYC subway system. All of these pieces work together to guide the most comprehensive, longitudinal, mutli-omic view of human physiology with the NASA Twins Study, which launches on March 28th to the International Space Station (ISS) and enabling the most in-depth physiological and medical profile of a human being ever created.
Dr. Mathieu Lupien
OCI Seminar Series